“A Proposal for a Future Exhibition: Scripted Expanded Molded I” exhibition view, 2022, 400x118, Istanbul.
“A Proposal for a Future Exhibition: Scripted Expanded Molded I” is the initially proposed version of Irem’s upcoming exhibition, which has turned into Godot and has been reimagined and revised due to a lack of funds. Irem has always found artist proposals interesting and fictitious, not because of their potential but primarily because of their lack of realization. I assure you I do not necessarily mean anything negative by lack of realization. Even if there is an infinite amount of funds available to create artwork, artist proposals are nothing but writing with a heavy dose of fiction and imagination. We all know that ideas can turn into words in a minute. But can words also turn into objects in a minute? Even so, could proposals correspond with one’s imagination as they manifest in the written form? Can ideas catch up with sentences and objects at the same speed, acceleration, and appearance? Feasibility and economy are in one corner, while autonomy and imagination are in the other. Thank God that we artists have writing. Long live writing. And don’t forget that Godot may never arrive, but waiting may lead to exciting encounters.
Je est un autre.
September 2022, ISTANBUL

“A Proposal for a Future Exhibition: Scripted Expanded Molded I” LightBox, 2022, 400x118, Istanbul

Details from the “A Proposal for a Future Exhibition: Scripted Expanded Molded I.”